Normal sperm morphology, assessed via Coomassie Blue staining, is significantly increased with the diet in WT and Pmca4−/− sperm where it is significantly lower than in WT in untreated animals (a-e) Arrows indicate kinks (a), folds (b-c), coils (d), and head deformities (e). (f) A sperm with an intact acrosomal cap (arrowed), also seen in d (**) and (g) with the cap missing after AR, also seen in b (*). (h) Average percent of morphologically normal sperm (n > 400/animal) show significantly lower levels in Pmca4−/− compared to WT and a significant increase with the diet. (Two-way ANOVA: **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, N = 4, mean ± SEM). (i) Frequency of morphological abnormalities per genotype and diet-type. Highest occurring abnormality was sperm tail kinks.