Table 3.
Net budgetary impact of ferric citrate vs. standard of care; base-case model
Net budgetary impact of ferric citrate vs. SOC (US$/year per 100 patients treated) | |||
Mean (SEM) | Median [p25; p75] | p valuea | |
Overall | +213,223 (14,111) | +213,018 [203,743; 222,109] | <0.001 |
Component: missed treatment | +12,766 (4276) | +12,474 [9622; 15,748] | <0.001 |
Component: ESA | +194,452 (13,683) | +194,652 [185,618; 203,423] | <0.001 |
Component: IV iron | +5775 (948) | +5806 [5171; 5807] | <0.001 |
ESA erythropoiesis-stimulating agent, IV intravenous, SEM standard error of mean, SOC standard of care
a p value for comparison of mean, ferric citrate vs. SOC