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. 2017 Feb 20;4(1):ENEURO.0212-16.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0212-16.2017

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Electrophysiological characterization of MSK1 KD mice shows no deficit in paired-pulse facilitation, mGluR-LTD, or LTP. A, Paired-pulse facilitation in area CA1 was measured in hippocampal slices prepared from adult wild-type (black squares; 21 pathways from 18 animals) or MSK1 KD (white circles, 22 pathways from 19 animals) mice. Representative families of paired fEPSPs taken over the 50 to 250 ms interstimulus interval range are shown in the upper panel, and quantification of the paired-pulse ratios in the lower panel. Data are expressed as mean and error bars (where visible) represent the SEM. B, mGluR-LTD was induced in area CA1 of hippocampal slices from wild-type (black squares) and MSK1 KD (white circles) mice. The GI mGluR agonist DHPG (100 µM) was applied from time 0-10 min (as indicated by the black bar on the graph) in the presence of both picrotoxin (50 µM) and the NMDA receptor glycine site antagonist L689,560 (5 µM). Inset are representative fEPSPs taken 10 min before and 50 min after the end of DHPG application in wild-type and MSK1 KD slices (n = 15 and 10 slices from 11 wild-type and 8 MSK1 KD mice, respectively). Data are expressed as mean, and error bars represent the SEM. C, D, Tetanus- (C) and theta-burst stimulation-induced LTP (D) were measured in the area CA1 of hippocampal slices from adult mice. Inset are representative fEPSPs taken 10 min before and 120 min after induction of LTP (at time zero) in the stimulated (left) and control (right) pathways for each genotype. Data are expressed as mean, and error bars represent the SEM. For tetanus-induced LTP, data are taken from single slices from nine wild-type and eight MSK1 KD mice, while for theta-burst-induced LTP, individual slices from seven wild-type and seven MSK1 KD mice were used. E, TBS-LTP is sensitive to the transcription inhibitor Act-D. Graphs show the effects of DMSO vehicle (0.08%) applied throughout the experiment (black squares and dark grey bar; n = 5; three wild-type and two MSK1 KD mice); 40 µM Act-D applied for the duration of the experiment (dark grey squares and dark grey bar; n = 5; four wild-type and one MSK1 KD mice); and 25 µM Act-D (0.05% DMSO) applied for 15 min before and after TBS (light grey squares and light grey bar; n = 9; three wild-type mice and six slices from four MSK1 KD mice). Both concentrations of Act-D affect LTP similarly, but the lower concentration and shorter duration of application of 25 µM has less of an effect on the control pathway. Data are expressed as mean, and error bars represent the SEM. F, The inhibitory effects of Act-D on late TBS-LTP are independent of genotype. Data are replotted from E but with respect to genotype instead of concentration: black squares, seven slices from seven wild-type mice; open circles, seven slices from five MSK1 KD mice. Data are expressed as mean, and error bars represent the SEM.