Table 3.
Stakeholder | Main responsibility | Role in policy change |
NMCP | Development of malaria policies, and implementation of malaria programs | Drafting of guidelines, leading the process, and finalization of guidelines |
RHD | Implementation of reproductive health services in the MOH | Drafting of the guidelines, and policy implementation |
SSDI-services | Effective integration and delivery of quality services under the Malawi Essential Health Package (EHP), and to strengthen the national health system in line with the National Health Sector Strategic Plan for 2011–2016 | Coordination of activities, drafting of guidelines, finalizing, printing, dissemination of guidelines, and training of health workers |
WHO | Provision of technical advice and recommendation | Overseeing of the whole process in accordance to WHO recommendations |
PMI/USAID | Provision of technical and financial support for the NMCP | Provided financial support for all activities and provided technical advice |
NMAC | Provide expert opinion to the NMCP in policy and programme development | Vetting and final approval of the guidelines |
Malaria Care | Provision of malaria diagnostic and treatment services | Training of health workers |
CHAI | Strengthening of integrated health systems | Revision of case management guidelines, training of health workers |
Malaria researchers | Conducting malaria research to provide evidence and guide policy formulation | Provided technical review of evidence and guidelines |
NMCP National Malaria Control Programme, RHD Reproductive Health Directorate, SSDI support for service delivery integration, PMI President’s Malaria Initiative, USAID United States Agency for International Development, NMAC National Malaria Advisory Committee, CHAI Clinton Health Access Initiative, MOH Ministry of Health, WHO World Health Organization