a,c) Representative motiligrams in control conditions, after the addition of TTX 1 μM and after the addition of CoCl2 1 mM. b,d) Changes in frequency, speed and amplitude after addition of TTX or CoCl2. Number of samples: E7 n = 6, E9 n = 4. The speed v is related to the tilt angle α by v = tan α. A star indicates a statistically significant difference (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney two-tailed test). In d) we separated the immediate effects of CoCl2 from its effect after 20 min application; we also indicate when the amplitude vanishes (“a.v.”) or fades after addition of CoCl2. The wave speed in the caecal appendix immediately following CoCl2 application was in the range 70–350 μm/sec.