A) Fraction of cells which died over time in each of the 10 infected cell groups (n = 72, group mean and standard deviation of Mtb per macrophage shown in the legend on the right), and the uninfected bystander group (n = 39). Lines are cubic fits as a guide to the eye. (
B) Table of p-values for differences between groups as determined by bootstrap. The fraction of cells in each group was compared to the fraction of dead cells in infected groups with lower mean Mtb internalized, or to bystanders. Each group was resampled by drawing either 72 cells (for comparison to infected groups) or 39 cells (for comparison to bystanders), with replacement, 100,000 times. The p-value was calculated as the number of times the resampled fraction of dead cells at the end of the movie was lower than in the comparison group, divided by 100,000 (code provided as
Source code 2). As the threshold for statistical significance, we used α/n = 0.005, where α = 0.05 for single comparisons was adjusted for n = 10 comparisons by the Bonferroni method. Table shows the groups in the first column and the comparison groups in the first row. p-values which passed the significance threshold are shown in bold.