Extended Data Figure 5. Izumo1-Juno interface.
(a) 2D schematic of the interactions between Izumo122-254 and Juno20-228. Residues from the Izumo1 4HB, hinge, and Ig-like regions, as well as Juno are coloured in orange, green, blue, and purple, respectively. Hydrogen-bond interactions are shown as dashed lines, and van der Waals forces are depicted as grey semi-circles. (b) Footprint of Juno on the surface of Izumo1 and Izumo1 on the surface of Juno. The molecular surfaces of Izumo1 and Juno are coloured white with residues forming interactions coloured similarly to panel (a). No N-linked glycans on either Izumo122-254 or Juno20-228 are involved in binding. Formation of this interface results in a calculated free energy gain of −10.4 kcal/mol.