Country | Methods used | Evidence criteria | Category of evidence* | Strengths and limitations | Methods for reaching consensus | Consequences of the recommendations | Link between evidence and recommendations | Peer review? | Update of the guidelines? |
Germany | Systematic methods used, details provided in the guideline | Classified according to Oxford Centre of Evidence-based Medicine criteria | 1a | Strengths and limitations of the body of evidence are clearly described | Formal consensus technique | The guideline includes health benefits, side effects and risks formulating the recommendations | There is an clear link between the recommendations and the supporting evidence | External review | Due in 2020. |
Denmark | Systematic methods used, details provided in the guideline | NS | The guidelines are based on literature, and articles based on the consensus of leading professionals in the field of audiology (evidence level IV) | NS | Informal consensus. All recommendations are based on the ICF model | NS | Each recommendation is provided with an argument based on relevant literature | Not peer reviewed | NS |
Netherlands | Systematic methods used, details provided in the guideline | Based on AMSTAR checklist | 1a, 1b, IV | The strength of the evidence is specified according to GRADE. Evidence tables describe limitations and strengths of the included studies | Recommendations were evidence based and the importance the workgroup gave to them conforms to GRADE | Recommendations were made considering the scientific value, preferences of the patient, costs, and availability of the organization | There is a clear link between the recommendations and the supporting evidence | External review | Update due in 2020 or sooner if new compelling evidence warrants earlier consideration |
USA | Systematic methods used, details provided in the guideline | Based on criteria from the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine | American Academy of Pediatrics Categories of evidence (A, B, C, D, and X) updated to be in accordance with Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine | Strengths and limitations of the body of evidence are clearly described | This guideline was developed using an explicit and transparent a priori protocol for creating actionable statements based on supporting evidence and the associated balance of benefit and harm | The benefits and harms of the recommendations have been considered for each recommendation. | There is an clear link between the recommendations and the supporting evidence | External review | Update due in 2018/9 or sooner if new compelling evidence warrants earlier consideration |
Sweden | No method reported | No evidence criteria | No evidence provided | None provided. | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Unless stated, the level of evidence refers to/uses the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine criteria (GRADE system consists of 4 grades of degree of trust in conclusions of the literature: high, moderate, low, and very low) NS, not specified; ENT, Ear Nose Throat; GP, General Practitioner.