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. 2017 Jan 25;105(3):685–694. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.137174


VCs and 95% CIs between T and Q, R, and M and P, calculated by using the method of triads1

VC 95% CI
FFQs (Q, T)2 0.46 0.20, 0.93
TUPs (M, T)3 0.18 0.04, 0.32
Plasma carotenoids (P, T)3 0.49 0.25, 1.004
24-HRs (R, T)2 0.61 0.38, 1.00
TUPs (M, T)5 0.32 0.12, 0.58
Plasma carotenoids (P, T)5 0.27 0.09, 0.46

n = 570. Correlations were adjusted for age, race, sex, and BMI. BCa CIs were based on 2000 resampling. Correlations including 24-HRs deattenuated by using a mixed model were used to estimate the within- and between-subject variances. BCa, bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap; FFQ, food-frequency questionnaire; M, biomarker total urinary polyphenol variable; P, biomarker plasma carotenoids variable; Q, polyphenol intake estimates from FFQs variable; R, polyphenol intake estimates from 24-HRs variable; T, true polyphenol intake variable; TUP, total urinary polyphenol; 24-HR, 24-h dietary recall; VC, validity coefficient.


Polyphenol intakes from FFQs and 24-HRs were transformed by using log (x + 1) and each FFQ and recall were energy-adjusted by using a partitioned approach. The 24-HR variable represents polyphenol intake from the mean of synthetic week 1 and week 2 of recalls.


Uses Q as the dietary estimator.


The estimated upper limit exceeded 1 and was thus set to 1.00.


Uses R as the dietary estimator.