Figure 1. Multivariate analysis of targeted metabolomics data.
(a) Principal component analysis (PCA) of all the data (n = 24 sheep, 10 control, 14 HD; n = 130 metabolites; n = 13 time points). Samples are coloured by genotype (black, control; red, HD); (b) OPLS-DA model showing separation by genotype. (c) OPLS-DA loading plot of control vs HD. Negative p(corr) values represent decreased and positive p(corr) values represent increased metabolite concentrations in HD compared to control sheep. The metabolite bars are colour coded according to metabolite class as follows: amino acids and biogenic amines (blue); acylcarnitines (green); lysophosphatidylcholine acyl (lyso PC a) (dark orange); phosphatidylcholine diacyl (PC aa) (yellow); phosphatidylcholine acyl-akyl (PC ae) (light orange); sphingolipids (SM) (brown). For further details on metablolites, see text and Suppl. Table 2.