A, Median and range of adaptive PE coding in midbrain ROI. Sulpiride significantly perturbed adaptive coding in the midbrain ROI. B, Median and range of adaptive PE coding in the ventral striatal ROI. C, Medium and range of adaptive coding of positive PEs in the ventral striatal ROI. Whereas dopamine did not perturb PE coding across positive and negative PEs in the ventral striatum, there was a selective effect of dopamine on positive PEs in this ROI. Each boxplot represents standardized (i.e., z-scored) residual adaptive coding values after correction for the time between dosing and the start of the fMRI scan as this time differed between the treatment groups (for details, see Results). Thus, higher values on the y-axis indicate an increase in adaptive coding after adjusting the data for the effect of the time between dosing and the start of the fMRI scan. * indicates significance. a.u., arbitrary units; BRO, bromocriptine; PCB, placebo; PE, prediction error; SUL, sulpiride.