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. 2016 Sep 8;2(9):e000085. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000085

Table 1. Comparison of assembly software: number and size of contigs, errors and time/memory requirements.

Assembly PBcR Canu Miniasm Miniasm & Nanopolish SPAdes Illumina Manually finished
Number of contigs 21 15 16 16 13 90 10
Number of bases 5490929 5542520 5843777 5673354 5576147 5454767 5586413
Largest contig (bases) 1615977 2782732 1548218 1504104 5303011 686305 5031167
Mean contig (bases) 261473 369501 365236 354585 428934 60608 620713
N50* 1197808 2782732 661959 641515 5303011 153115 5031167
Total mis-assemblies 5 2 0
(analysis failed)
3 5 6 na
Mismatches per kb 1.0038 0.3494 6.6578 5.4843 0.0371 0.0355 na
Indels per kb 12.1668 7.769 18.6418 8.987 0.0353 0.0322 na
Memory requirement 7 GB 8 GB 3 GB 3 GB & 4 GB 2 GB 4 GB na
Run time 8 h 2 h 2 min 2 min &
3 days 11 h
3 h 3 h na
Total CPU time† 79728 54745 124 9450274 9164 12514 na
Number of threads 16 8 2 2 & 16 16 2 na

*N50: a weighted median statistic. Half (50 %) of the assembly is contained in contigs greater than or equal to a contig of this size.

†Total CPU (Central Processing Unit) time: The amount of time used by the CPUs actively processing instructions. Run time, or ‘real’ time, may be longer, as it includes idle time or time spent waiting for input or output, or may be shorter if the workload is shared between more than one CPU.