Fig. 1.
The human methylome before versus after differentiation of human primary myoblasts. a An illustrative description of the study design and comparisons performed in cells of both non-obese and obese subjects. b Global DNA methylation was calculated as the average degree of methylation for all analyzed CpG sites before (n = 14) and after (n = 14) differentiation of myoblasts of non-obese subjects based on Illumina’s annotations to different gene regions and CpG island regions. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Total number of sites per region: TSS1500, 83,650; TSS200, 62,369; 5’UTR, 64,909; 1st Exon, 39,236; Body, 172,275; 3’UTR, 19,349; Intergenic, 116,209. c A pie chart showing the number and proportions of individual CpG sites with significantly increased and decreased methylation, respectively, in human myoblasts compared with myotubes (q < 0.05) of non-obese subjects (n = 14). d Proportions of significant CpG sites with a certain degree of methylation before differentiation compared with the proportions of all analyzed sites. e DNA methylation of the three most significant CpG sites annotated to key myogenic transcription factors in human myoblasts versus myotubes of non-obese subjects. f Global DNA methylation was calculated as the average degree of methylation for all analyzed non-CpG sites before and after differentiation in non-obese subjects based on Illumina’s annotations to different gene region and CpG island regions. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. TSS, proximal promoter, defined as 200 bp (base pairs) or 1500 bp upstream of transcription start site; UTR, untranslated region; CpG island, 200 bp (or more) stretch of DNA with a C + G content greater than 50% and an observed CpG/expected CpG in excess of 0.6; Shore, the flanking region of CpG islands, 0–2000 bp; Shelf, regions flanking island shores, i.e., covering 2000–4000 bp distant from the CpG island. * q < 0.05