Fig. S6.
Requirement of each factor in transcription. (A) Coomassie staining of SDS/PAGE containing purified SAGA and TFIID. The labels on the right side denote the factor or its subunits. (B) SAGA cannot be replaced by the related TFIID complex. The complete reaction in the presence of SAGA and/or TFIID was performed at 1× concentration of factors. Promoter-dependent transcription signals were normalized to the value obtained from the SAGA-containing reaction (percentage). (C) Addition of RSC or SWI/SNF results in PHO5 chromatin transcription. The complete reaction in the presence of SWI/SNF or RSC was performed at 1× concentration of factors. Promoter-dependent transcription signals were normalized to the value obtained from the SWI/SNF-containing reaction (percentage). (D) Requirement for pol II and GTFs in chromatin transcription. The complete reaction was performed at 1× concentration of factors. Other reactions contained all factors, except the component indicated. Transcription signals were normalized to the value obtained from the complete reaction (percentage). (E) Requirement for each factor in DNA and chromatin transcription. The complete reaction was performed at 1× concentration of factors. Other reactions contained all factors, except the component indicated. Transcription signals were normalized to the value obtained from the complete reaction (percentage). (F) Requirement of Pho4 in chromatin transcription. The reaction was performed with the complete set of transcription proteins at the levels of SAGA and SWI/SNF indicated on the abscissa; y axis shows the ratio of transcripts levels with and without Pho4.