Signatures of selective sweeps. (A) Relationship of minor allele frequency and the distance from the nearest gene for each genus of the great apes. The name of each (sub) species is shown at Bottom. Significant positive correlations were observed from Western gorillas (Bonferroni-adjusted P value <0.0001), Nigeria–Cameroon chimpanzees (adjusted P value <0.0001), western chimpanzees (adjusted P value <0.0001), and Bornean orangutans (adjusted P value <0.0001). (B) Relationship of population divergence levels with the distance from the nearest genes. Spearman’s correlation coefficient and the significance are shown in each panel (***, **, *, and ns indicate Bonferroni-corrected P values with <0.001, <0.01, <0.05, and ≥0.05, respectively). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals calculated by 1,000 bootstrapping replicates from 1-Mb windows.