Effect of adenoviral-mediated redelivery of CEACAM1 on glucose and insulin intolerance caused by HF diet. A-i: Western analysis of rat and mouse CEACAM1 expression (rCC1 and mCC1, respectively) in lysates from liver, WAT and skeletal muscle of 2-month-old RD-fed WT mice 3 days postinjection with Ad-GFP, Ad-rWT, and Ad-rSA. Membranes were reprobed with α-GAPDH antibody for normalization. ii: Western analysis (n = 2/each group) on liver lysates from mice fed with RD or HF for 41 days and injected with adenoviral particles in the last 21 days of feeding. iii: qRT-PCR analysis of liver lysates to measure rat and mouse Ceacam1 mRNA levels normalized to Gapdh (n = 5/each group in duplicate). B: Intraperitoneal insulin tolerance (i) and glucose tolerance (ii) tests were carried out 13 and 16 days, respectively, after being injected with Ad-GFP [black (RD) and blue (HF)], Ad-rWT (green), and Ad-rSA (red) (n = 6–8/per group). The AUC was measured and presented in graphs on the right. Values are expressed as means ± SEM. * P < 0.05 versus RD-fed; †
P < 0.05 versus HF-GFP.