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. 2016 May 17;76(5):271. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4107-8

Table 2.

Summary of systematic uncertainties on the fully corrected jet spectrum, the corresponding nuclear modification factor, and the jet production cross section ratio in 0–20 % central and 60–80 % peripheral events for the resolution parameter R=0.4. The range of percentages provides the variation from the minimum to the maximum momentum in each centrality. For R=0.2 only the combined uncertainty is provided for, the difference to R=0.4 is mainly due to the smaller impact of the single particle efficiency for smaller radii

Observable Jet cross section (R=0.4) QpPb (R=0.4) R
ZNA centrality class (%) 0–20 60–80 0–20 60–80 0–20 60–80
Single-particle efficiency (%) 10.2–14.0 10.0–12.7 4.9–6.3 4.9–6.4 2.0–2.0 1.8–4.7
Unfolding (%) 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.8 1.4 -3.1
Unfolding prior steepness (%) 0.9–7.0 0.3–3.6 1.1–7.2 0.8–4.0 0.7–1.4 0.3–2.2
Regularisation strength (%) 2.8–6.4 0.4–3.7 2.8–7.3 0.5–3.9 1.8–7.0 0.3–3.7
Minimum pT cut-off (%) 3.7–9.2 0.6–2.9 4.1–9.8 1.7–3.8 2.2–0.8 0.5–1.8
Background estimate (%) 3.5–1.8 3.8–3.0 3.5–1.8 3.8–3.0 1.7–1.8 2.6–1.2
 δpT,ch estimate (%) 0.1–0.0 0.2–2.3 0.1–0.0 0.2–2.3 0.1–0.0 0.2–1.1
Combined uncertainty (%) 12.5–19.8 11.6–15.2 9.0–16.3 8.1–11.1 4.2–7.8 4.4–7.5
Combined uncertainty (R = 0.2) (%) 10.4–19.5 8.2–12.5 8.6–18.0 5.8–9.4
 NcollPb-side (%) 8.0 8.0
Visible cross section (%) 3.3 3.3
Reference scaling pp 7 TeV (%) 9.0 9.0
NSD selection efficiency  p–Pb  (%) 3.1 3.1
Combined scaling uncertainty (%) 12.4 12.4