(A, B) The HCC827 cells were co-transfected with a specific miR-155 inhibitor and a specific miR-200c inhibitor, or the negative control. Transfection of each inhibitor almost completely abolished the expression of miR-155 (A) and miR-200c (B), respectively (**p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs. HCC827 or ###p<0.001 vs. HCC827 transfected with a negative control (HCC827-NC)). (C-F) In HCC827 cells transfected with the inhibitors (HCC827-miR155/200c IH), mRNA levels of smad2 (C), zeb1 (D), E-cadherin (E) and vimentin (F) were quantified by qRT-PCR in comparison to the results in the negative control (###p<0.001 vs. HCC827-NC). Each column represents the mean with S.E.M of 6 samples. (G-J) In HCC827 cells transfected with the inhibitors (HCC827-miR155/200c IH), the protein levels of smad2 (G), zeb1 (H), E-cadherin (I) and vimentin (J) were quantified by western blot in comparison to the results in the negative control (#p<0.01, ###p<0.001, vs. HCC827-NC).