Figure 4.
Delay period 4-7 Hz mPFC theta phase coupling; phase-lag index (PLI) whole-brain analysis A. 1x3 interaction between object maintenance, static imagery, and dynamic imagery for mPFC theta phase-coupling, showing a significant cluster in the left posterior medial temporal lobe (MTLx: -28, y: -54, z: -2; Z-score: 4.13; peak voxel FWE for bilateral MTL p=.011) extending into the retrosplenial cortex (RSc). B. Mean mPFC PLI with 10 mm sphere around the left posterior MTL peak voxel (x:-28, y: -54, z: -2) for all three conditions versus baseline. C. mPFC theta phase-coupling for dynamic imagery versus object maintenance, showing a significant cluster in the left posterior MTL (x: -28, y: -54, z: -2; Z-score: 3.97; peak voxel FWE for bilateral MTL p=.016), extending into the RSc. D. mPFC theta phase-coupling for dynamic imagery versus static imagery, showing a significant cluster in the left posterior MTL (x:-30, y: -54, z: -4; Z-score: 4.45; peak voxel FWE corrected for whole-brain volume p=.03), extending into the RSc. All images shown at p<.001 uncorrected for visualization purposes and overlaid on the canonical Montreal Neurological Institute 152 T1 image. E. Mean mPFC phase-locking value (PLV) with 10 mm sphere around the left posterior MTL peak PLI voxel in 4A for all three conditions versus baseline. All bar graphs show mean ± SEM over the 16 participants.