A, representative image of liver, spleen and lung whole organs undergoing bioluminescent imaging by the IVIS (overlay of blue-green-red colouring represents bioluminescence of increasing intensity. B, representative images of H&E staining of 4T1 tumour and metastasis in spleen, lungs and liver (metastasis marked by white arrows). Scale bar = 100 μm. C, correlation between metastatic burden, as determined by measurement of average metastatic area across 10 fields of view, in organs stained by H&E and by whole organ bioluminescent pixel density, in spleen, liver and lung tissues (mean ± SEM, n=10). D, distribution plots of bioluminescence from each organ and cohort at the 1300 mm3 endpoint. Cohorts are coloured as follows (Responsive – blue, Non-responsive – red, Untreated – green). The level of background auto-fluorescence measured by imaging of organs from mice with no tumour is also displayed (dashed line). Statistical analysis: Mann-Whitney, *** p<0.001, * p<0.05. E, longitudinal bioluminescent quantification of primary and secondary lung tumour development, generated by bioluminescent imaging of the whole mouse with regions of interest drawn over the tumour and lung areas (mean ± SEM, n-numbers as displayed).