Figure 3. A/A′ cation ordering and octahedral tilting in the n=1 RPs for NCS materials design.
(a) High-symmetry aristotype structure (φ, I4/mmm). (b) One of the A/A′ cation ordering schemes (irrep: (η1); space group (s.g.): P4/nmm). (c) Out-of-phase octahedral tilting (oxygen displacements indicated using arrows) (irrep:
(η1,η1); s.g.: P42/ncm) and lattice constants a and b are of equal length. (d) Out-of-phase octahedral tilting (irrep:
(η1,η2); s.g.: Pccn) and lattice constant a≠b. (e) Coupled distortions (irrep:
(0,η1;η2,0); s.g.: Pbca), where
(0,η1) and
(η2,0) represent Jahn–Teller-like out-of-plane compression and out-of-phase octahedral tilting, respectively.