Probability maps of several system features correspond to previous findings demonstrating subject-specific localization of various functions. Top row: a Visual system patch in precentral gyrus (left) appears very similar to a single-subject map of squinting (right, beige colored; green arrow) published in Meier et al., 2008. Middle row: a Visual system patch in posterior intraparietal sulcus (left) appears in a very similar location to a subject-specific, attention-dependent retinotopic map (right) described by Sereno et al. (2001). Bottom row: A Fronto-parietal system patch in posterior cingulate cortex (left) has a very similar location and shape to a region in a subject-specific map of increased activation during a math task compared to a language task (right), as described by Tavor et al. (2016). Figures adapted with permission from Meier et al., 2008, Sereno et al., 2001, and Tavor et al., 2016.