Results of IL and PL inactivation during the Food DS task. A–D, Total food pellets, accuracy, DS+ response ratio, and DS− response ratio of those rats receiving either aCSF or baclofen/muscimol (BM, 0.3 nmol and 0.03 nmol per side, respectively) microinjections into the IL during the Food DS task, respectively (all given as mean +/− SEM). IL inactivation marginally decreased food pellets obtained, significantly decreased accuracy, and increased the DS− response ratio, without affecting the DS+ response ratio. E–H, Same measures as above, respectively, with rats receiving intra-PL microinjections. PL inactivation decreased accuracy and increased DS− response ratio but had no effect on food pellets obtained or DS+ response ratio. #p = < 0.1, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001.