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. 2017 Jan 19;22(3):30446. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.3.30446

Table 1. Features of outbreak group A Streptococcus type emm66 cases, England and Wales, 5 January–29 December 2016 (n = 27).

Total cases           n        
Demographics and risk factorsa
Male 22
Median age (range) in years 38 (29–56)
Homeless at time of illness onset 20
Street homeless at time of illness onset 13
People who inject drugs 20
Problematic alcohol use 6
Initial clinical presentation
Abscess 7
Injection site infection 6
Septic arthritis 3
Bacteraemia 3
Muscle or deep tissue infection 3
Cellulitis 2
Unspecified soft tissue infection 1
Necrotising fasciitis 1
Pneumonia 1
Diagnosis, outcomes and co-infectiona
Invasive GAS infection 20
Non-invasive GAS infection (including three severe infections) 7
Hospitalisation 21
Amputation 1
Died due to GAS infection 1
Previously tested positive for hepatitis C 15
Previously tested positive for hepatitis B 1

GAS: group A Streptococcus.

a More than one answer could be chosen.