Fig. 4.
Derived rod response to a fixed-intensity flash. (A) Test flash of 44 sc td-sec. Hooklike traces are rod-mediated probe responses obtained in paired-flash trials with variation of the interflash interval t. Trace to the left of t = 0 is the probe-alone response. The response to a photopically matched red probe flash (not shown) was subtracted from the raw probe responses to yield the illustrated rod-mediated components. Filled circles represent baselines from which the probe responses depart. Presentation of the test flash alone yielded the ERG response illustrated at the top. (B) Derived rod responses to test flashes of 11 sc td-sec (squares), 44 sc td-sec [circles; same experiment as that of (A)], and 320 sc td-sec (triangles). Data obtained from a single subject. Results shown by squares and circles are replotted from Fig. 5 of Pepperberg et al.24, with permission of Cambridge University Press.