Figure 2. Holotype of Nyctibatrachus athirappillyensis sp. nov. (ZSI/WGRC/V/A/891).
(A) Dorsolateral view, in life. (B) Size (SVL 20.9 mm) in comparison to the Indian five-rupee coin (24 mm diameter). (C) Dorsal view, in life. (D) Dorsal surface of third finger disc, in preservation. (E) Dorsal surface of fourth toe disc, in preservation. (F) Ventral view, in life. (G) Femoral glands, in preservation. (H) Close-up of femoral glands after removal of skin showing multiple glands. (I) Lateral view of head, in preservation. (J) Ventral view of hand, in preservation. (K) Ventral view of foot, in preservation. (L) Schematic illustration of foot webbing.