Figure 1. Induction of multifunctional CD4+ TEM cells following immunization with Ty21a.
PBMC collected from Ty21a vaccinees (n=16) were stimulated ex-vivo with S. Typhi- (ST), S. Paratyphi A- (PA) or S. Paratyphi B (PB)-infected targets. Data were obtained using FCOM analysis in TEM subsets of CD4+ T cells. Shown are the peak post-vaccination increases in Salmonella specific single positive (S+) and multifunctional (MF) IFN-γ+ (A), TNF-α+ (B), IL-2+ (C) and CD107a+ (D) cells. Post-vaccination peaks: peak of the responses at days 42 or 84 minus pre-vaccination (day 0) levels. Horizontal bars represent mean±SEM
TEM, T effector/memory; ***p<0.001 **p<0.01. *p<0.05 compared with the corresponding single-positive cells by Wilcoxon signed rank test, two tailed.