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. 2017 Feb 8;6:e22352. doi: 10.7554/eLife.22352

Figure 7. Variable subtrees that tile the neuropil.

Figure 7.

Subtrees were defined as neurites sharing a common secondary neurite exiting the main path, or primary neurite, of the neuronal structure. Thus, for each neuron, the number of subtrees was equivalent to the number of secondary neurites in the neurons corresponding to the three-dimensional skeletal reconstruction generated in KNOSSOS. (A) The number of subtrees varied within and across neuron types, such that GM neurons presented more subtrees than LP and PD neurons (letters are indicative of ANOVA results; [F(3,12)=7.6, p=0.0041], Tukey HSD). (B) The neuritic field for a given subtree (example on left) was approximated as an elliptical volume fit (blue shaded area) and centered about the center of mass (dark blue point) of the subtree’s tip coordinates (light blue points; middle). A subtree’s neuritic field was visualized by projecting this elliptical volume into the x-y plane (right), which is representative of a birds-eye view of neuropil space. (CF) Subtree neuritic field plots for four representative STG neurons (left), juxtaposed to representative scrambled iterations (right). Three-dimensional scatter plots show the subtree root coordinates of individual subtrees (circular data points) and their corresponding neuritic fields projected onto the x-y plane. Left: plots display the subtree neuritic fields given the actual neuronal structure. Right: plots display the subtree neuritic fields for a representative scrambled iteration of tip coordinates for the same neuron on left, wherein tips were re-distributed into the same number of, but different subtrees, while maintaining the same root coordinates (see Materials and methods). For each neuron in CF scale axes indicate the same x-y-z scale for both the actual and scrambled plots. (G) Scatter plots indicate the number of overlapping subtrees for each neuron (cell type indicated by color and labeled on the x-axis). Overlaid vertical histograms show the number of overlapping subtrees across the scrambled, synthetic population generated from the tip coordinates for each neuron (purple lines indicate the mean radii for each scrambled population). (H) Scatter plots indicate the mean subtree neuritic field radius for each neuron (cell type indicated by color and labeled on the x-axis). Overlaid vertical histograms show the range of subtree neuritic field radii across the scrambled, synthetic population generated from the tip coordinates for each neuron (purple lines indicate the mean radii for each scrambled population). Neuron types (n = 4 of each) are color-coded in A, G, and H: gold = GM neuron, blue = LG neuron, green = LP neuron, red = PD neuron.