(A) IVIS images of 4 month old mice treated with MMP-Sense with (right, KO+SB-3CT) or without (left, KO) SB-3CT for 48 h to assess MMP9 activity 24 h after TA muscle BaCl2 injury (left hind limb) compared to an uninjured TA muscle (right hind limb). Three mice per treatment were studied.
(B) Quantification of MMP-Sense IVIS imaging in KO and KO+SB-3CT injured TA muscles 24 h post-injury. **P<0.005, unpaired t-test.
(C) Immunofluorescence for the expression of laminin (AF488, green), PAX7 (AF555, red), and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in 7 days post-injury skeletal muscle in 4 month old KO and KO+SB-3CT mice. TA muscle was injured through BaCl2 injection. TA muscles were frozen in OCT, 5 images from 3 sections were analyzed per mouse (scale bar 50 μm).
(D) Quantification of PAX7 expression in KO and KO+SB-3CT mice in 7 days post-injury skeletal muscle. *P<0.05, unpaired t-test.