Fig. 5. Biochemical microscopy by MALDI-MS imaging reveals the differential distribution of CL species in various anatomical areas of the brain.
Serial rat brain coronal sections were prepared. The left panel shows an optical image from a hematoxylin and eosin stained section using a Nikon-90i™ microscope. MALDI-MS imaging detects 23 species of CL at a lateral resolution (pixel size) of 50 microns, two of these species are shown in the middle and right panels. Predominantly saturated species of CL such as CL(70:4) (middle panel) are strongest in the hippocampal region (H), especially the dentate gyrus (DG), and moderately less intense in the cortex (C) and ventricles ( V). Highly unsaturated species of CL such as CL(76:12) (right panel) are strongest in the cortex and ventricles (C, V) and less intense in the hippocampus (H). The images were acquired on a Bruker Daltonics-RapiFlex™ MALDI, using the protocol from [101]. Ions detected as [M-H]1- and intensities are relative with respect to the given ion. The white bar = 1 mm.