Figure 6.
Ih disruption compromises adult motility in Drosophila melanogaster. (A) Photographs of wild type, IhIE/IhRB and IhRB/IhRB adult flies aged 15 days. Hypomorphic flies exhibit compromised posture and are hyper-excitable compared to wild type, including spontaneous leg tremors (arrowheads) and seizure-like episodes. (B) Graph of adult climbing ability over time for a series of Ih alleles, using a negative geotaxis assay. Groups of 8–10 flies were tested for their ability to climb 4 cm in 8 s. The percentage of flies reaching 4 cm (the climbing index) was averaged among 4 trials for each group. 4–6 vials per genotype were assessed every 5 days. Climbing index was observed to decrease significantly over time in Ih hypomorphic mutants compared to wild type using one-way ANOVA with Dunnet's multiple comparisons test. (**p < 0.001 by day 5, ***p < 0.0001 by day 17).