Strain | Other no. | Species | Copper resistance location | Country of isolation | Yr of isolation | Host | Chromosome size (bp) | G+C content (%) | ANI score (%)b | Accession no. |
LMG930 | X. euvesicatoria | Plasmid | United States | 1969 | Pepper | 5,079,107 | 64.7 | 99.98 | CP018463 to CP018467 | |
LMG911 | CFBP2537 | X. vesicatoria | Plasmid | New Zealand | 1955 | Tomato | 5,110,163 | 64.3 | 99.95 | CP018725 to CP018727 |
LM159 | Bv-5-4a (INTA) | X. vesicatoria | Plasmid | Argentina | 1987 | Pepper | 5,086,726 | 64.2 | 99.88 | CP018468 to CP018471 |
LH3 | Xv5 (FAREI), CFBP7993 | X. euvesicatoriac | Plasmid | Mauritius | 2010 | Tomato | 4,969,893 | 64.9 | 98.68 (99.98) | CP018472 to CP018476 |
JS749-3 | X. gardneri | Plasmid | Réunion | 1997 | Tomato | 5,158,913 | 63.7 | 99.91 | CP018728 to CP018730 | |
ICMP7383 | CFBP7999 | X. gardneri | Plasmid | New Zealand | 1980 | Tomato | 5,313,102 | 63.5 | 98.29 | CP018731 to CP018734 |
LMG strains are from the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms (BCCM/LMG), University of Ghent, Belgium. ICMP, International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand; INTA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; FAREI, Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute; CFBP, Collection Française de Bactéries Associées aux Plantes.
ANI scores were calculated using type strains of each species: LMG27970 for X. euvesicatoria; ATCC 35937 for X. vesicatoria; and ATCC 19865 for X. gardneri. Value in parentheses is for the type strain of X. perforans (CFBP7293).
Synonym of X. perforans.