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. 2017 Feb 23;5(8):e01693-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01693-16


Characteristics of the six sequenced Xanthomonas strainsa

Strain Other no. Species Copper resistance location Country of isolation Yr of isolation Host Chromosome size (bp) G+C content (%) ANI score (%)b Accession no.
LMG930 X. euvesicatoria Plasmid United States 1969 Pepper 5,079,107 64.7 99.98 CP018463 to CP018467
LMG911 CFBP2537 X. vesicatoria Plasmid New Zealand 1955 Tomato 5,110,163 64.3 99.95 CP018725 to CP018727
LM159 Bv-5-4a (INTA) X. vesicatoria Plasmid Argentina 1987 Pepper 5,086,726 64.2 99.88 CP018468 to CP018471
LH3 Xv5 (FAREI), CFBP7993 X. euvesicatoriac Plasmid Mauritius 2010 Tomato 4,969,893 64.9 98.68 (99.98) CP018472 to CP018476
JS749-3 X. gardneri Plasmid Réunion 1997 Tomato 5,158,913 63.7 99.91 CP018728 to CP018730
ICMP7383 CFBP7999 X. gardneri Plasmid New Zealand 1980 Tomato 5,313,102 63.5 98.29 CP018731 to CP018734

LMG strains are from the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms (BCCM/LMG), University of Ghent, Belgium. ICMP, International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand; INTA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; FAREI, Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute; CFBP, Collection Française de Bactéries Associées aux Plantes.


ANI scores were calculated using type strains of each species: LMG27970 for X. euvesicatoria; ATCC 35937 for X. vesicatoria; and ATCC 19865 for X. gardneri. Value in parentheses is for the type strain of X. perforans (CFBP7293).


Synonym of X. perforans.