Effect of MazE overproduction during growth in liquid medium on the ability of MazF-overproducing E. coli cells to synthesize proteins and to form colonies. E. coli strain MC4100 ΔmazEF relA1 lacIq was cotransformed as described in the legend to Fig. 1. The cotransformed cells were grown, induced, labeled, and plated as described in Materials and Methods. Aa to Ac, Rate of translation. Ba to Bc, Percentage of survivors. To induce mazE expression, IPTG was added to the bacterial culture at 1 h (Aa and Ba), 4 h (Ab and Bb), and 6 h (Ac and Bc) after mazF induction at time zero. The effects of the ectopic overexpression of MazE were measured at 1 and 3 h after the induction of mazE expression. mazE-induced culture, ▴; uninduced culture, •. The relative percentage of protein synthesis and viability (indicated next to the plotted measurements) was calculated compared to that at time zero. The values shown are from one out of three similar experiments.