Figure 3.
Silencing of SNAPIN in macrophages induced the formation of swollen lysosomes. (A) Macrophages transfected with NS (left) or SNAPIN (middle and right) siRNAs were examined with antibodies to SNAPIN (green) and LAMP1 (red) by immunofluorescence microscopy. Large LAMP1-positive organelles are marked by arrowheads. The cell marked by a square in the middle panel was enlarged in the right panel. Macrophages transfected with (B) NS or (C) SNAPIN siRNAs were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies to LAMP1 (magenta staining) and active CTSD (BODIPY FL-pepstatin A, green), with colocalization indicated in white. Arrows identify active CTSD within the LAMP1-positive lysosomes. Scale bar: 13.3 μm. The images were processed by deconvolution with NIS-element imaging software. The results are representative of 3 independent experiments.