Table 4. NMI (average and standard deviation) of HC, k-means, SOM, LAC, WSPA, RDCFCE and EM-PCE on eight gene expression datasets.
Dataset | HC | k-means | SOM | LAC | WSPA | RDCFCE | EM-PCE |
Breast | 0.1636(0) | 0.4082(0.0119) | 0.4086(0.0013) | 0.3446(0.0036) | 0.2877(0.0008) | 0.4001(0.0025) | 0.5408(0.0054) |
DLBCLA | 0.0295(0) | 0.2008(0.0003) | 0.2513(0.0006) | 0.7958(0.0144) | 0.5794(0.0005) | 0.3708(0.0000) | 0.8525(0.0005) |
Leukemia | 0.0368(0) | 0.8221(0.0002) | 0.7160(0.0062) | 0.8656(0.0020) | 0.6697(0.0016) | 0.6706(0.0000) | 0.9140(0.0006) |
NovartisBPLC | 0.5631(0) | 0.6541(0.0160) | 0.6648(0.0005) | 0.8066(0.0072) | 0.8885(0.0005) | 0.9495(0.0000) | 0.9400(0.0000) |
Pomeroy2002v2 | 0.3795(0) | 0.6070(0.0008) | 0.6055(0.0033) | 0.3847(0.0177) | 0.7423(0.0012) | 0.5842(0.0000) | 0.5916(0.0008) |
Ramaswamy2001 | 0.1123(0) | 0.4998(0.0009) | 0.5309(0.0002) | 0.4569(0.0012) | 0.6308(0.0000) | 0.4949(0.0000) | 0.6036(0.0005) |
Risinger2003 | 0.0992(0) | 0.2801(0.0034) | 0.3918(0.0002) | 0.2956(0.0076) | 0.3845(0.0010) | 0.4712(0.0002) | 0.4163(0.0007) |
Su2001 | 0.1357(0) | 0.3119(0.0013) | 0.3192(0.0005) | 0.3604(0.0001) | 0.4232(0.0001) | 0.3865(0.0006) | 0.4157(0.0001) |
Average | 0.1900(0) | 0.4730(0.0044) | 0.4860(0.0016) | 0.5388(0.0045) | 0.5758(0.0007) | 0.5410(0.0004) | 0.6593(0.0010) |
The data in the boldface are the significantly best (or comparable best) results among these comparing methods, and the significance is checked by pairwise t-test at the 95% significance level. The average means the average NMI of each method on eight gene expression datasets.