Fig 4. Variability of SILAC protein ratios in human U2OS cells upon ELF, UMTS and WiFi exposures.
Median absolute deviation (MAD) is used as a robust measure of variability in SILAC protein ratios. Note that unfiltered refers to an unfiltered SILAC data set containing all quantitated protein groups; (in)consistent refers to a filtered SILAC data set of protein groups with (in)consistent ratios in both reverse labeling experiments, this fold-change filtering procedure is only possible because of the duplex SILAC design; composite refers to a filtered SILAC data set of protein groups with greater 'treated' ratios than 'control' ratios (in total there are four 'treated' ratios from exposed versus sham samples, and two 'control' ratios from exposed versus exposed samples and sham versus sham samples), this (composite) fold-change filtering procedure requires triplex SILAC design. The results for the human VH10 and mouse IB10 cells are shown in S5 Fig.