Blocking effect of recombinant EgKU-1 (675 nM) on isolated K+ currents activated by increasing voltage pulses. (A) Voltage-dependent K+ currents (fast -transient A-type- currents, IKA; as well as non inactivating -delayed-rectifier- currents, IKDR) were recorded from a holding potential of -100 mV, following stepwise increments of 10 mV of the membrane voltage, between -65 and 55 mV. (B) IKDR currents were similarly recorded from a holding potential of -45mV, so as to inactivate IKA currents. (C) and (D) are the corresponding current-voltage plots of (A) and (B), whereas (E) is the current-voltage plot accounting for IKA currents and was obtained by subtracting (D) from (C).