Figure 3.
Body-Mass Index (BMI) z Score in the 477 Children Who Drank the Study Beverages for the Full 18 Months. The z score for BMI is the BMI expressed as the number of standard deviations by which a child differed from the mean in the Netherlands for his or her age and sex. Panel A shows mean z scores for the two study groups over the 18-month study period. Panel B shows the between-group difference in the mean change from baseline (the mean change in the BMI z score in the sugar-free group minus the mean change in the sugar group), as a function of time. T bars in both panels indicate standard errors.
From: de Ruyter JC, Olthof MR, Seidell JC, Katan MB. A trial of sugar-free or sugar-sweetened beverages and body weight in children. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2012; 367: 1397–406.