Fig. 3.
Median fold expression of six interferon-stimulated genes according to genotype. Median relative quantification (RQ) value for each of six interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) measured in a 74 TREX1, 11 RNASEH2A, 115 RNASEH2B, 16 RNASEH2C, 45 SAMHD1, 52 ADAR1, and 59 IFIH1 samples with a positive (>2.466) interferon score; b 14 ACP5, 14 TMEM173, four C1QA, and five ISG15 samples with a positive (>2.466) interferon score; c 101 JDM, 21 sJIA, 58 autoinflammatory, 72 molecularly undefined interferonopathy, 78 JSLE, and ten pJIA. RQ is equal to 2−∆∆Ct, i.e., the normalized fold change relative to a control