Fig. 4.
Distribution of the different T cell subsets. Within the CD8− (CD4) (a; green bars) and CD8+ (b; red bars) T cell population, the distribution of the naïve (lightest bar), memory (darker bar), and effector (darkest bar) T cell subsets was shown for healthy individuals (HI) (n = 125) which were compared to NBS patients (n = 20). Both NBS as well as HI were divided on the basis of their age into four groups (age distribution (n = HI vs. NBS), respectively): 0–2 (n = 26 vs. 7), 2–5 (n = 27 vs. 3), 5–16 (n = 50 vs. 6), and 16+ years old (n = 22 vs. 3). Data represents means and significant differences between different age groups were calculated and shown. The symbols above the NBS bars represents significant differences between HI and NBS patients between same age groups (* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01, *** = p < 0.001; the color of the symbols represents the different T cell subsets which were significantly different)