Summary of Anatomical Data for Qualitative and Quantitative Structural Nerve Damage, Neurovascular Compression, Volume, and Cross Sectional Area of the Trigeminal Nerve. N = patient number, H= healthy control number, SND = structural nerve damage, NVC = neurovascular compression, CSA = cross sectional area, REZ = root entry zone, Y = Yes, “
” = significant increase (on the affected side, in patients, or after surgery), “
” = significant decrease (on the affected side, in patients, or after surgery), “
” = not significant, “–” = not studied; Sequence Acronyms: SSFP = steady-state free precession, bSSFP = balanced steady-state free precession, Drive = driven equilibrium, TOF = time of flight, TOF-MRA = time of flight angiography, Gad = gadolinium, FIESTA = fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition, ceMRA = contrast enhanced MR angiography, FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, ceFSPGR = contrast enhanced fast spoiled gradient echo, FLASH = fast low angle shot, TrueFISP/TRUFI = true fast imaging with steady state precession, CISS = constructive interference in steady state