Table 5. Mean coefficient of determination (R 2 in %) of different quantitative eye colour measures using 12 SNPs* in the European study population (N = 3,087).
Eye colour measure | R2 from Prediction Model 1 Without SNP-SNP interaction** | R2 from Prediction Model 2 With SNP-SNP interaction** |
Non-pigm. | 51.99 (48.68, 54.86) | 54.79 (51.54, 57.83) |
Pheomel. | 15.56 (12.55, 19.23) | 19.63 (16.54, 22.45) |
Eumel. | 32.85 (29.07, 36.25) | 32.52 (28.89, 36.71) |
Hue | 23.55 (20.33, 26.25) | 24.15 (21.02, 27.83) |
Saturation | 43.38 (38.76, 47.41) | 44.25 (40.09, 48.77) |
Colour score | 22.46 (17.84, 26.86) | 22.79 (18.74, 27.50) |
L | 16.56 (13.53, 19.98) | 16.88 (13.18, 20.03) |
a* | 41.77 (38.62, 45.18) | 41.99 (38.30, 46.34) |
b* | 29.64 (25.34, 33.39) | 32.03 (28.51, 35.76) |
PIE score | 45.17 (41.98, 48.79) | 48.60 (45.81, 51.47) |
T-index | 31.40 (27.74, 34.84) | 32.55 (28.92, 35.93) |
*See Table 1 for the SNPs. **Values in brackets denote the 5% and 95% quantile from crossvalidation respectively. #Estimated with the new computational approach introduced here.