Data were mainly taken from Reif [15], Compagno [62, 63, 64], Shark Trust [72], Compagno et al. [73], Froese and Pauly [74], Ebert et al. [75] and IUCN [76]. Reported bathymetric ranges are represented by black bars where usual bathymetric ranges are indicated with thickened portions on the right side of the diagram. All shark drawings taken from Shark Trust [72], courtesy of Marc Dando. Abbreviations: Habitat (CS, continental shelf; N, neritic zone; O, oceanic zone; oCS, outer continental shelf; S, slope; uS, upper slope), relative location to the seafloor (B, benthopelagic; D, demersal; P, pelagic), substrate preference (H, hard substrate; NR, not reported; S, soft substrate), frequency of schooling (H, high; L, low; NR, not reported).