CpsY of GAS does not regulate the transcripts controlled by homologous proteins in other streptococcal species. Expression of genes atmD (metN) (A), artP (B), and murA (C) was measured using real-time qPCR. Shown are real-time qPCR analyses of relative transcript levels in the (ι)cpsY mutant strain at early logarithmic, late logarithmic, and stationary phases of growth compared to wild type 5448 grown in enriched medium (THY). (D) Expression of the genes mntE, murA2, mur1.2, emm1, adh2, prsA, speB, phaB, fabK, identified as members of the CpsY regulon, was measured using real-time qPCR. Shown are results from real-time qPCR analyses of relative transcript levels in the (ι)cpsY mutant strain in either THY or OKA medium. Error bars represent the standard errors from a minimum of three biological replicates. Dashed lines indicate 2-fold significance. Significance was determined using relative transcript level comparisons to the gene gyrA.