Relative iNOS and cytokine expression in BMDMs. (A and B) Gene expression of iNOS measured in BMDMs infected with M. bovis wild type, mutant MbΔp27, or complemented strain MbΔp27::p27/p55. The relative gene expression was calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method with E correction, using GAPDH mRNA expression as the reference gene and uninfected cells as the calibrator. Asterisks indicate significance (*, P ≤ 0.05). The data were analyzed using a paired Student t test. (A) Replicates of the experiments. (B) Data expressed as a bar graph. (C, D, and E) Gene expression was measured in BMDMs infected with M. bovis wild type or mutant MbΔp27. The relative gene expression of IL-1β (C), IL-6 (D), or IL-12p35 (E) was calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method with E correction, using GAPDH mRNA expression as the reference gene and uninfected cells as the calibrator. Data were analyzed using a paired Student t test. ns, not statistically significant.