Table 2. Mean (SDs) for the Within- and Between-Session SUDS Habituation and Between-Session Craving Habituation.
n | Mean | SD | |
Average within-session SUDS habituation | 46 | -16.74 | 12.37 |
Average Peak SUDS | 46 | 60.59 | 20.41 |
Average Post SUDS | 46 | 43.81 | 23.41 |
Early within-session SUDS habituation | 46 | -22.13 | 22.83 |
Early Peak SUDS (first imaginal exposure) | 46 | 80.44 | 18.37 |
Early Post SUDS (first imaginal exposure) | 46 | 58.30 | 27.07 |
Late within-session SUDS habituation | 36 | -8.86 | 13.08 |
Late Peak SUDS (last imaginal exposure) | 36 | 38.33 | 23.72 |
Late Post SUDS (last imaginal exposure) | 36 | 29.47 | 21.54 |
Between-session SUDS habituation | 36 | -40.56 | 26.51 |
Between-session craving habituation | 34 | -15.03 | 28.98 |
Note: SUDS = subjective units of distress. Eight participants withdrew from the study prior to session 4. Due to pressing clinical issues, the first imaginal exposure occurred during session 5 for 2 participants and during session 6 for 1 participant. Late within-session SUDS habituation and between-session SUDS habituation ratings were available for all treatment completers (n = 36). The final imaginal exposure session occurred prior to session 11 for 8 treatment completers. In these cases, ratings from the last completed imaginal exposure were used to calculate late within-session and between-session SUDS as well as between-session craving habituation. Craving ratings were not assessed for 2 participants.