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. 2016 Oct 27;27(2):69–74. doi: 10.1016/

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants.

Baseline characteristics Men (n = 2848) Women (n = 542) Missing value
Mean (SD) age, years 41.0 (9.77) 41.6 (10.46) 0
BMI, kg/m2 0
 <18.5 128 (4.5) 86 (15.9)
 18.5–22.9 1304 (45.8) 344 (63.5)
 23.0–27.5 1182 (41.5) 90 (16.6)
 ≥27.5 234 (8.2) 22 (4.1)
Diabetes 51 (1.9) 1 (0.2) 122
Smoking status 18
 Never smoker 894 (31.5) 469 (87.3)
 Former smoker 734 (25.9) 22 (4.1)
 Current smoker 1207 (42.6) 46 (8.6)
Alcohol drinking 23
 Never 712 (25.2) 316 (58.7)
 Sometimes (=1) 1315 (46.5) 165 (30.7)
 Everyday 802 (28.4) 57 (10.6)
Community periodontal index 0
 0 136 (4.8) 45 (8.3)
 1 313 (11.0) 109 (20.1)
 2 2399 (84.2) 388 (71.6)
Classification of occupation 0
 Professional 787 (27.6) 54 (10.0)
 Managers 455 (16.0) 26 (4.8)
 Office workers 443 (15.6) 321 (59.2)
 Skilled workers 512 (18.0) 99 (18.3)
 Sales persons 368 (12.9) 25 (4.6)
 Service occupations 88 (3.1) 17 (3.1)
 Driver 195 (6.9) 0a

Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise noted.

Valid percentages for available data are shown.


1 woman was removed due to the small sample size.