Table 1.
General Terms | Microbiome | The totality of human (or other host) body's micro-organisms (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, archaea, protozoa), their genomes and molecular products, and the surrounding environmental conditions. |
Microbiota | The assemblage of microorganisms present in a defined environment (e.g. human lung microbiota) | |
“Meta-omics”: | The total content of a community of microbiota in terms of: | |
Metagenome | - genomic DNA | |
Metatranscriptome | - transcribed RNA | |
Metaproteome | - entire protein complement | |
Metabolome | - metabolite pool | |
Commensal microbiota | Microbes that provide benefits to the (human) host without being affected by it | |
Symbiotic microbiota | Microbes in a mutually beneficial relationship with the (human) host | |
Dysbiosis | A condition in which the normal structure and function of the microbiome has been disturbed and which is considered to be detrimental for the host | |
Experimental Analysis Terms | Culture-independent techniques | Molecular techniques that analyze the DNA (or other biologic material) directly from a sample rather than from individually cultured microbes |
Marker | A DNA sequence that identifies the genome that contains it | |
Amplicon sequencing | Amplification (with PCR) and sequencing of specific markers | |
16s rRNA | (or 16S rDNA) 16S ribosomal subunit gene, unique to prokaryotic cells, with highly preserved sequence and hypervariable regions, which are amplified and used as markers for bacterial identification | |
Whole Metagenome Shotgun sequencing | Sequencing of short, random DNA/RNA fragments in an undirected whole-genome fashion | |
Bioinformatic Analysis Terms | Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) | A common classification used for the amplicon sequences, which are clustered based on a similarity threshold (e.g.>97%) as a proxy for species-level taxonomic assignment. |
Abundance | Prevalence of a particular taxonomic group in a microbial community | |
Diversity | Taxonomic distribution within a community, including both the number of distinct taxa and their relative distribution | |
Richness | Number of taxonomic groups in a microbial community | |
Evenness | Relative abundance of different taxonomic groups | |
Dominance | Emergence of a single, overtly abundant taxonomic group | |
Alpha-diversity | Within-sample taxonomic diversity (including richness and evenness) as a summary statistic of a single population | |
Beta-diversity | Between-sample taxonomic diversity describing absolute or relative taxonomic overlap between samples | |
Community structure | Taxonomic composition of a microbial community | |
Functional metagenomics | Computational or experimental analysis of a microbial community with respect to the molecular activities of its composite genome | |
Interventional Studies Terms | Germ-free animal | Host animal containing no microorganisms |
Gnotobiotic animal | Host animal containing artificially transferred humanized microbiota | |
Prebiotic | A nutrient promoting the growth of symbiotic or commensal microbes | |
Probiotic | A live microbe introduced in the host with the intention to preserve or restore symbiosis | |
Symbiotics | Combination of both prebiotics and probiotics |
Abbreviations: PCR: polymerase chain reaction