Extended Data Figure 2.
(a) Heatmap showing Z-scores of miRNA expression measurements from whole serum ADicerKO (KO) or littermate wild type mice (WT) and exosomal miRNAs from ADicerKO (KO) or littermate wild type mice (WT) (n=4 per group). (b) Heatmap showing Z-scores of miRNA expression measurements of exosomal miRNAs from culture supernatant of Dicerfl/fl preadipocytes transduced with Ad-GFP (GFP) or Ad-CRE(CRE) (n=3 per group). (c) Heatmap showing Z-scores of miRNA expression measurements of exosomal miRNAs from serum of 4-week old ADicerKO (ADicerKO) and Lox (Control) mice (n=3 per group).