Fig 2. Category of potential DDIs, by DAA regimen and severity of liver disease, among HCV-infected patients.
Comedication used in patients with mild liver disease (A) or in (B) patients with moderate-to severe-liver disease (B). DAA regiments and number of comedications used are shown. SOF/RBV: sofosbuvir plus ribavirin, SOF/SIM: sofosbuvir plus simeprevir, SOF/DCV: sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir, SOF/LDV: sofosbuvir plus ledipasvir, 3D: paritaprevir/ritonavir, ombitasvir, dasabuvir. Category 0: Classification not possible due to lack of information; Category 1: No clinical interaction possible; Category 2: May require dose adjustment/closer monitoring.